This happens when you husband studies every night till like 3 am
for school/ MCAT
EMPTY cups, wrapers
food, left out.
I guess at one point the studying stopped for a little and they played boggle (red thing)
Food, spinach, yeup its so good we love it lately.
and his crazy books... interesting.
On Sunday Robert asked me to make some flash cards for him. I never realized how much I hated writing flash card until I did it on Sunday. Why? I dont know is it because I had to sit still? Cause I had no idea what I was writing? Was is because there was so much? No idea but I did it, for Robert.
SO I am counting down the days till the MCAT is over. 3 days people. That is gonna rock. My house can be clean again and orderly. and Books can be put away. No more late studying nights and no more STRESS. He leaves for Oregon on Friday and takes the test Saturday.
This is exciting and intense. No matter what happens it will all be for a reason. We will be fine as long as we always trust in the Lord.
But to put is simply, I am super stressed. I am forgetting everything! and I know my work week, which has been annoying and crazy is not helping. sometimes I just wish it can be two years from now and I can move the the next phase of my life. I realized yesterday that I have been working for 8 years. 8 wow. thats crazy.
Some people say that when you are a stay at home mom you get bored and that its not a real job but thats the most real job their is and i can not wait to join the group of amazing mothers out there.
In a world where you can be anything... be yourself,
That is what I intend to do. Be me, Kayla Ann. So this part of my life is only for a moment soon it will be gone and I will wish for it back. One of these days I will think back to the times when lived on our own in Davis and Rocklin and think how fun it was, to have so many options ahead of us, when life was a mystery.
I am trying to enjoy the journey, god is helping me with that. I learn patience and I learn about trust. I have learned that I am capable of so many more things than I ever thought possible.
Every day is an incredible gift. I am so grateful for my life I have for the air I have to breath, for two eyes that see for a beating heart two arms and legs.
So, this is all kinda jumbled sorry but I have a ton of random thoughts. Anyways the husband is taking the MCAT somehow I kinda thought this day would never come and here it is.
and what do I say to life and uncertainty? I say:
"BRING IT ON" and then I laugh. out. loud.