I have been listening to a song all week.
on my long drives to and from Davis.
By my new love Demi
So there is a phrase that is really famous:
"Beauty is only skin deep"
And it accured to me that I did not like that phrase or saying or what ever it is. I thought a ton about it. I know that its suppose to be saying that beauty of a person is only their looks and they can be pretty on the outside but cold and mean within. I get it.
But what I guess I was thinking that I did not like about it was that Beauty is not only for the physical so when you say its only skin deep in truth it is a lie. Looks are only skin deep. That is more accurate.
But beauty is more defiantly not only "Skin Deep" Its everything inside and out body and soul.
take this definition on Dictionary.com:
noun, plural -ties.
Often, beauties. something that is beautiful in nature or insome natural or artificial environment.
You see it states in the definition that it is "Something else as personality" so I think we need to remake this phrase:
"Real Beauty is Soul Deep"
but you know its just a random thought I had. I think that I like way too much to analyze things.
I have just Planned what I am doing tomorrow:
Thrifting it up Davis Style.
Thats right Kayla is in need of some major rummaging. I am seriously having withdrawals.
I did find a nice Asian Lamp in the dumpster on Wednesday and of course that made me wanna GO!
No judgin' please You know you have at one point in your life pulled something from the trash...
ok maybe not but you know what??? I disinfected it! and it was on top. ok..... that your face your making? Right now? Well seen it! Robby made it too... so its ok... I had the hudgest smile on my face at my find and he was all:
"Where did that come from?"
"The dumpster baby its FREE!" (said all dreamy eyed by kayla)
"uhm... ok" (nose turned up robert)
"No its fine baby seriously you crack me up though" (now the smile comes, as he places his arms around me and we walk up our apartment steps to our place me holding my new lamp)
"But sirously honey your gonna clean that right?" (eye brows raised)
"Duh! I just got it from the trash!" (Sigh from Kayla) ( robert nodds his head and it turns into a shake of the head and a grin like he thinks I am cute.)
"But sirously honey your gonna clean that right?" (eye brows raised)
"Duh! I just got it from the trash!" (Sigh from Kayla) ( robert nodds his head and it turns into a shake of the head and a grin like he thinks I am cute.)
But truth is im not cute...
I... be...beautiful!
Thats right I said it
yes I did!
Happy Friday! Hope you have a good weekend and Be BEAUTIFUL! (soul deep)
This was such a cute post :)