Tuesday, May 22, 2012

"With a strong hand"

So it just recently was brought to my attention that more people read this thing than I ever thought. Strange. Then I was like: OH NO!!!!!


and then I thought about it. (again)

Who cares?


If you ever really met me and or talked to me, you would see I am the same. I may be a tad obsessed with Love stories, and lets be honest my husband too, but that's not a bad thing. And anyone who thinks that I dont need in my life anyway right? RIGHT. So to anyone who thinks it is stop reading and....

thanks for coming.... :) bye!


But those of you who understand that we are all unique and different, those of you who like being yourself, and who embrace it instead of hide and try to be a clone like the rest of the world.  

Thanks for reading/ looking at my pics. and please, STAY forever.your amazing and I need (always) some positive energy in life! :)

Anyways so all this "thinking" has really been annoying. I can either care or not, choose to face the fact people read this and find out a "little"(more like a lot) too much info about me. Or I can not be afraid of who I am and try to not hide from the world.

I choose the latter.
I am not afraid. Not a coward.
If the world can not handle a little bit of me then what ever, too bad because I am here.
Not everyone can like me. Not everyone can agree with me.
I am glad for that too, because being different and unique and all that is a beautiful part about life.
We are all different. We like different things. Have favorite colors, movies, songs. 
So I am different, just like you.
I wanna be a stay at home mom
I love my husband obsessively
I take pics like crazy
like old fashion things
love roses
hate pink
love fairytales
spell horribly/bad punctuation
I get angry quickly
forgive in a second.
I am sensitive like CRAZY
but its me, and I am ok with me.


"I fear not but am cautious" 

is my family's Scottish motto.
I think it applies here.

also (cause I am 75% Scottish and have 2 crests) 
"With a strong hand" 
is the other one.


So I will be practicing my families long ancient traditions of:
fearing not but being careful
and being strong.


 (I like roses and my dad has plenty in his yard)

(um I just woke up here)

So you will see more of me.
I bet your laughing.
stop. It.

1 comment:

  1. Kayla, you're way too cute! Oh and Elijah already misses you :)


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