This is me and my uncle Donald. He is my grandfathers brother, the only MacKay family I really ever met.
This is my mothers sister my Aunt Susie. I used to love to be held by her too! She was one of my favorite aunts mom said, she did spoil me so that probably helped, but I think its fun there were certain people I loved to have hold me when I was younger, my mom said I would not just take to anyone.
Blond haired blue eyed, chubby Kayla Ann Strawn (at the time)
The Zoo with my sister (above) My brother (boy in the center) me in the back and my lovely momma ready to be done with the pic. isn't she so pretty?!
and while I was cleaning my house this week, these are a few things I found. Makes you wonder, seeing as blondes run in my family, and black hair in roberts, what will our kids look like? But that wont happen for a while so we will see! :)
Happy Sunday!
I do have two blonde kids so you might get some blondies too lol but I'm really white washed, Robert has more asian than me, so hopefully you'll get a Japanese looking kid (and I'll be jealous when you do haha)