For me it's so hard to keep a secret about myself when its something as important as this, I could not wait any longer.
We found out on Wednesday two weeks ago. I, all week long felt weird and nauseated and kinda felt like I was prego but pushed that thought away just in case I was not.
Well I got home and I just felt good happy even, other than nausea I was doing well. I just wanted to know if I was or not because I was just sick of not knowing, SO I told Robert I was gonna take a test.
I stood there in the bathroom and stared at the test confused and happy all at the same time. I was looking at the paper and sure enough the plus meant I was with Child. That moment it felt so surreal like it was not real. I was so happy I could not even move. I could not even fathom that being truth. So I stood there and then decided to tell Robert what I thought was a positive test.
It was crazy and wonderful I also had that thought like :
"Oh no, can I really do this?" and then
I thought well heck yes!
and even though I am about only 7 weeks along I still could not wait to tell everyone and their mom. We waited till FRIDAY to tell my parents. FRIDAY! I thought I would DIE.
We went out to dinner with my parents and I wrote on a card:
"We are having a BABY!"
we had them open the card at the same time and my dad jumped from his chair ecstatic and my mom smiled and was so happy.
Everyone in the restaurant was looking at the scene and the waitress wrote CONGRATS
on our check.
We then went to my siblings homes and told them the same
and Roberts mom
and called his sister and the rest of the week tried to get a hold of the rest of his family
We wanted to tell everyone in person but I did not want to wait to post. I was having a really hard time.
SO finally last week I posted on Facebook and on here and I am so happy.
so far like I said I am about 7 weeks and have my first look at baby E on the 19th! :) we wont be able to see much but its cool at least to see something!
At this point it does not feel real yet. Like i keep telling Robert I just feel sick that's it. I do not know if most pregnant people feel like this or not but its like i feel like until I get a little belly or something then it will finally hit me.
In any case I am so excited and we just feel so loved by all who are so excited for us!
We could not be happier.
I have been craving bean burritos and Chicken nuggets and even Orange chicken..
protein! lol
So far I can not eat cilantro and chicken on the bone or any fancy dressings
I can not even stomach ranch.
I am loving Mexican food
hating anything with noodles
and gum and I are BFF's
Its all knew and different but I kinda am glad I have these symptoms because they remind me of little baby E who is growin inside me :)
Oh So Fun! :) SO happy for you guys! Sickness is a good sign even though it can be miserable! Take it easy and get your rest! Growing a baby is exhausting! Congrats again!