this weekend was earth day celebration in Davis, CA
and we we went.

home made soaps...

and other items... all hand made...

It was so incredible to see so many amazingly talented people we have in this world. I am amazed by it.

and a little boy (nephew) got a black widow painted on his face... NICE


these are such pretty! glass wind chimes... (as seen in previous post)

and a lot of other cool stuff...

I really love these.



This little girl. Chloe got a balloon from a clown.

this little boy... got a balloon too :) he was happier than he looks here lol. and Strawberries all over his face= cuteness! love this boy!

um... these are pretty much AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

all in all it was a pretty fun and interesting day.
I am so grateful for the amazing beautiful earth. I am astounded by all its many beauties and wonders. I can not wait to go camping and see more, and to hike! :) I just LOVE being out doors. This summer is gonna be full of it!
oh and on a super happy random note:
I am photographing a wedding in August! SO EXCITED!
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