I have been working on a few things a new business idea and vaca plans/mini vaca.
Robert took the MCAT! So thats done. Exciting. So while he was doing that what did I do? Hung out with my sisters and Mom for a much needed shopping trip.
But what I wanted to post tonight was not about that, although I will post soon. No what I wanted to touch base on is a little thing we girls hate. Weight.
my but looks rather large... its the angle I swear lol I needed some good shots of my waist(thank you hobby lobby)
Yes Weight. goodness. We as girls stress about this probably the most because we see so many "prettier" women in magazines. We always want what we are not.
You see for most of my life I wanted curly hair. Pretty little ringlets like Shirley Temple. But my hair is as flat and pin straight as it can get. I always hated it.
Then I heard about Taylor Swift this artist that spent hours straightening her hair in high school because she had crazy curls. Then she realized she should embrace who she is and be ok with it. At first I thought "DUH curly hair is so much better!" and then I realized I totally missed the point.
I mean come on be honest how many times have you wanted to change something or you wish you had hair or what ever like so and so? huh? We ALL do it.
frankly its annoying. I am sick of it. So, I am going on a strike. I am not dying my hair. I am also letting it be naturally straight and loving it.
Instead of hating what Ive got I am trying hard to understand that there are things I can do with what I have that others can not. Maybe someone things wow I wish I had straight frizz free hair like Kayla. (Doubt but still... its the point that possibly)
and anyways I am trying to be happy with the me I am and trying to enhance my OWN features. So I am using some blond shampoo instead of dye, and I am loving letting my hair air dry.
now moving on. Other than just the hair thing/example I am sick of feeling ugly because I am over weight. Honestly I was never in my life before now over weight. I never knew what it was like. I dont want to sound annoying or anything but it happened I gained unneeded weight and well I want it gone.
But one of the things that gets me the most is when girls are obsessed with a number. Honestly talk about failing right before you start. No, for me its getting the right life style back.
For the last couple of years I only wanted to take pictures of other people because everytime I would see myself I would delete it. Robert gets so mad. I tell him no one wants to see me so gross, but he says I am beautiful. awe good husband.
anyways If I focus too much on those things I will never accomplish anything.
also the "quick fixes" are garbage and I hate them.
So as you can see in the pictures above I wanted to post my "Before" pictures.
I am not too happy with how I look, but I am trying to understand that everyone is different including me, and I am pretty just the way I am. That every body is differently shaped and proportioned. No two people are the same, and thats WONDERFUL. How cool is that that we are all different? Its something to embrace not hide and try to be the same.
Each person is pretty in their own way. We all have differnt types of clothing that look better on us. Different colors that bring out our eyes and bring color to our cheeks. I am super white, as in not tan at ALL. I have super fair sensitive skin and for the longest time I HATED it because I wanted to be model like TAN. But you know what? I'm gonna try and rock it... me. thats it.
Its so important to be healthy I totally know it! and its never too late to start being the most healthy you can be!
so here is the deal:
working out 30min 5x's a week and being more focused on healthy eating. (No starving no only salad diet.)
Real foods, just in smaller portions. Anyways I think that we all get a little too tied up in what looks good on others.
I am going to just create the best me I got. And lets see anyone one who can create me better....ha nope no one can, just what I thought.
Its not about the pounds I want to lose
the pants I want to fit into
its about being healthy and loving the skin I am in, because its me, and no one is me but me.
I want to represent me right. So goodbye fake curls. goodbye blonde dyed hair. goodbye extra weight in the stomach upper arms, face and legs.
See you soon real Kayla. Bye fake one...
I feel the same way, I want to just be healthy. This morning I saw dana's blog and she was talking about myfitnesspal.com and I just set up an account to help motivate myself to watch what I eat. If you do it too we can follow each other, my username is ash0012. P.S. In high school I always thought your hair was so long and pretty, seriously!
love the motivation girl!! but I think you are gorgeous the way you are!! also that last sent. you wrote was funny!!!!
ReplyDeleteThat is so great Kayla! It is so true that we focus on what we see as flaws and wish we could change ourselves. I'm going to join you with being happy with the body I've been given and work at keeping it healthy!