Its called it's 105 degrees today
Its called my stomach hurts
Its called waking up at 6:30 AM and not able to fall back to sleep

It's called being bored once I was feeling better...

Its called taking pictures with no make up on

Its called not having to be anywhere today...

Its called wet hair being blow dry by a fan

Its called doing nothing

Its called not cleaning A THING.

Its called relaxing after so many hours spent running around doing so many different tasks.

Its called reading...

Its also called looking out my window.
Today is called a lot of things but mainly and mostly and HAPPILY Today it is called my Lazy Saturday.
Goodness how MUCH I needed one of those!
ummm... how to say this... you're so freaking cute! I wish I looked that good without makeup :) miss you guys! (and Elijah was really sad when I told him you might not come to visit after the baby is here... he asked for you specifically :P)