hey there. Its me. Remember me? well life right now is pretty darn crazy.
Husband and friends are up till dawn studying and I just can not see how they do it. Like yesterday for instance and this morning. I went to bed at midnight, husband still working. Wake up at 6:30AM husband still working and finally goes to bed. So all night he worked and studied. SUPER

We might have to call like adult protective services or something, cause that boy is working too hard. He needs to sleep DUH! I try and tell him this...
ya right.
Anyways so enough with drama. I can not wait till this crazy stuff will be all done. I feel so bad for him. He works so hard and he does it for our family. He really is the best husband. He is so dedicated. He is all that I wanted in a husband. Someone who would take their role as a husband and future father seriously.

He really just wants the best for me. But in all honesty I want the best for him and I am sure some more sleep would only help him.
I tell myself this...and him...anything?
ya right.
So I will let him be his Superman-like self for this LAST WEEK.
well you should of cause that is in all caps and that means I am basically yelling at you (sorry bout that I can get a tad excited)

I am so ready for some one on one Christmas fun!
This year Robby and I are choosing to only spend 15.00 dollars on each other. ( I hope he stays within our terms of agreement) He always seems to break the rules when it comes to things like these but I pretty much told him he better follow the 15.00 rule or ELSE! I do not think he was scared by that or ELSE threat though... still working on it.

I do not know what to get him :( sad face for sure.
I mean I have been thinking about it for some time and I am just clueless. I have decided husband is the hardest person to shop for ever! gr. I know what ever I get him he will love but you know sometimes Christmas can get to be stressful. But hey I try to tell myself its only 15.00 dollars I mean whats the stress? Its not enough to waste money on something, not enough to really feel like I "have" to get him this or that. Its more like stocking stuffer money. Ha.

Anyways other than that dilemma I love this time of year! I am so excited because I took some time off for Christmas and I have not done that in 4 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so crazy! I am way excited.

TO DO LIST (not yelling this time just wanted it to stand out.)
Make gingerbread house
Watch Christmas movie while drinking hot coco
Seeing Christmas lights
Reading from our Christmas book
making sugar cookies and decorating them.
sleeping in
going to the snow and building a snow man!
walking around Davis.

Its a small list but its all I got right now. I am sooo ready for this semester of Robby's to be over. Its been hard on him and I hate it when he has to work so hard and get no time to relax. But I guess that's what winter break is for!

I am ready to go on my vaca this week so its sad that I still have so much time left :( I sing at our ward Christmas party tomorrow and I am super stressed! uhh! WHY DID I SAY I WOULD? lol

well that's all for now! see ya all soon!
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