So last Sunday I was bored out of my MIND.
You know those times when NOTHING sounds appealing and you actually have TIME? Ya well for me I read scriptures and tried to do something online but I COULD NOT. I went for a walk came home and baked. (I do not often

First cause I needed my strength I made dinner. Miso soup Rice and Kung Pow chicken.

Miso soup is like my favorite soup on the planet. So its no wonder we stocked up last month like crazy.

plus its like uber good for you. That always helps a situation.

Then I was bored again while I was waiting for the muffins and cookies and biscuits to cook....
Ya... a cooking overload.

It was raining, one of my FAVORITE THINGS. so I ventured to go outside.

Obviously I did not make it that far... Its been SOOO COLD this week. FREEZING. I could not get myself to get further than this above: My door step.

Robert and I have made some new goals and that is awesome. He has his Christmas break before the semester starts up again and we noticed that we need to spend more quality time together. So we made a plan (more about that later) So for FHE this week it was Robert who got to pick what we did.
We drew Characters of each other. Although I kinda look like an old lady or something, he is good right? LOVE him.

I am not too good at cartoons, I am an impressionistic artist. And that means I am not realistic. Google impressionistic and you will find out more. Anyways This is mine:

Ha. I love my little Narnia loving fighting ninja.

We were really excited because Robert found out one of the people he helped teach on his mission who him and his companion Baptized moved to California two weeks ago!

He actually got baptized waited a year and then served a mission while Robert was on his! Now he is happily married in the temple with his awesome wife and they have a little baby girl!

It was really great to talk with them and get to know them better. For those of you who do not know,

Robert served in Russia and Kazakhstan. This friend is from Kazakhstan.
They wanted to see UC Davis and its campus so we went on a walk. It was a blast!

The Lab where Robby works.

Cork tree literally a tree from which corks are made... crazy.

I had a lot of fun, but I could tell how extremely excited Robert was to see his old friend again. Its incredible to see him so excited and happy. He could not stop speaking Russian it seems. He really loved his mission.

SO that was my first day of Christmas break. It was lots of fun. Now I really hope to NOT post again before Christmas. We plan to go to the snow all day tomorrow and I am so excited! See ya all soon!
oh and....

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