At 16 weeks I am loving the no morning sickness deal. Although I get so full I can barely finish a meal lol! Baby must be taking up a lot of space. I seem to be showing more than others do at 16 weeks but the Doc said every body is different and we never know how we will show, she also said each child can be different so we shall see!
Right now for cravings? I want salad ALL THE TIME> I am finally craving the healthy stuff! I tried all last trimester to eat salads and stuff but this baby did not want it. Now anything un-healthy or greasy makes me squirm. lol. So I am grateful we like across the street from trader Joes because they have the best pre-made salad bowls and I have eaten two this weekend. :) I am also THIRSTY like CRAZY at work Friday I had so much water I felt like I have to pee every ten minutes lol.
I feel like I am finally getting comfortable with this little belly of mine growing. I finally bought some real maternity stuff and WOW so amazing! Now I can not go back!
I get to find out on the 29th what I am having! I am so excited! I hope baby E will let us see!
I am real happy lately. It's been nice that Robert has less stressful classes this semester. He really is my superman. I mean even last semester he was but I feel like he has more time now. Anyways he has been getting up with me in the mornings before I head to work. I feel like my days are better when I get to have some human interaction. Also I am not a morning person so its nice to see him. He made me breakfast all this week. He is so sweet.
I know he cares about me and the baby. It is hard sometimes because all this is happening to me, my body, not him so when he is there for me it is so nice I feel like I am not in this alone, and that at least he wants to help me and cares. I do not know what I would do without him!
Sorry my posts are so lame. I have been lazy cause I have been so tired. Some time I will add more pics.

this is a mug a coffee cup of course I do not use it for coffee. But its a camera lens! how cool is that? There have been pics of it floating around FB and all and randomly I show up at home with one! Robby got it for me. Super awesome!
hope you all have a wonderful week!
Looking cute Kayla! :D I love when I start to show because then it's like I know my body isn't going through all this change and sickness for nothing, and that there really is a baby in there! :)