It's no lie, I love Halloween. This year while going over with Robert what we could be this year all sorts of crazy ideas came up. All of which had me not being anything girly girl... and that would be a first for me... WEIRD.
When Robert said he would agree to being Peter Pan and tights and all... I just had to be Captian Hook you bet your life I made that happen.
I tried over and over again to get him to let me be tink or wendy but... as you can see that did not happen... and its all good I loved my costume.
Costumes: made from thrift stores and Hobby lobby and Good Will.
Robert and I had a blast at our ward Trunk or Treat. We had a photo booth set up on stage. Captain Hook and Peter Pan working together... Let's just say some kids were afraid of me...
and also a heard a parent explaining to her child that sometimes people like to dress up as the "Bad guys" lol
I told that little girl that I repented, and that currently I am the good captain hook who forgave peter pan for getting my had cut off by the crock...
Hope you all had a happy Halloween!
Love it! Looks like you had fun!