Wednesday, March 13, 2013



With having a cold and morning sickness and stuff like that I have really been missing alot out of life. It makes me sooo bored of watching movies and reading and sleeping. I AM SO BORED. lol I came home today and sat by the open window on the couch and began to look through some pics on my computer. Can you believe I have not taken pics sense finding out I was prego? Weird. And sooo not like me, but I am planning on this weekend to fix that. My house also, where have I been? Its a mess, and actually I mean its fairly clean but its Robert clean, and that means things are swept and put away but IN THE WRONG PLACES. and I still have a Christmas Wreath up! A CHRISTMAS wreath! ha. It would seem I kinda put my life on hold for a few months. Well, happy to say my cold is saying goodbye and my morning sickness is slowly (slowly) fading out. Looks like I might be given a break! few. Well this weekend looks like spring cleaning mixed with a nature walk so I can get some pics I have been itchin for. and maybe someday I will get around to posting picks of my not so big belly. Honestly I have taken NONE. but that is because I have not gotten anything. I heard that is normal that you can not show till way later. But anyways I am excited to be back in apart of life and to be feeling well again. Wow sometimes I felt like I would never feel normal again.

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