It is no surprise what the theme for my kids rooms will be. If I have a boy I am going to put up all my family crests on his walls. I am going to place a temple in the center and this quote on it:
"I am the son of a King, and the defender of my fathers throne. I will live with honor and faith"
If I have a girl her walls will have a picture of the temple. The three dresses poem and a quote:
"I am a daughter of God, heir to my fathers throne, I will stand for truth and virtue. I was not sent here to fail, but to succeed. "
The whole thing I want my children to understand and ingrain into their heads is who they are, and how important they are.
for me growing up with these things really helped me be who I am today. It helped me stay away from so many things that would hurt me and to be strong even when my friends may not have always followed the standards of the gospel.
I want my little girls to know they are SOOO special and important and that being a women is not less than being a man, but that embracing the women-hood that is so divine is important. I want my girls to know that they should be proud of who they are, and their special role to plan in Heavenly Fathers plan. A lot of the people in this world think a stay at home mom, or a mom devoted to her children is sexist or not their full potential. I know the world is wrong. I have no fear and no shame in sharing with the world that I could care less what it thinks and that being a wife, mother and a women is incredible.
I want my little boys to know they are sooo important. I want them to know they are boys and men and should embrace their roles. I think it is important to instill in all children a sense of honor and duty. I think that remembering they are bearers of their fathers name, and should be proud to be an Eshbaugh and remember what it means, what our family stands for. I want my boys to grow into strong men, who understand how important it is to respect women and to treat them right. I want them to be gentlemen and to one day make some women's happily ever after come true, just like their father did for me. I want my men to be the bread winners, I want them to understand they should love and take care and provide for their families, support their wives and never belittle them, but to honor women-hood.
I really want to help my children do so many things but these two things for boys and girls I keep thinking about and I guess it must be important. LOL I can not get it off my mind how much I want my children to love who they come from and who they can be and are. I want them not be afraid of their gender, like so many people are in the world. I hate all the news about sex changes and people having issues with that, and then the whole same sex attraction. I know my children will have to hear even more than this by the time they are teenagers, so I just want them to be grounded, have a solid foundation for WHO THEY ARE.
So boy or Girl?

I will be ready.
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