Tuesday, March 12, 2013


They say that you can love someone at first sight. But what I know is that you can love someone before that. I loved my little baby the moment I took that pregnancy test. I loved my baby in elementary school when I would play with dolls and try and think of it as mine. I love my baby in Highschool when I said I would wait till marriage to have sex. I loved my baby on July 25,2008 when I created an eternal family. I also said I loved my baby so much I picked a man to be my husband that would be an AMAZING father.

I loved my baby so much that I worked real hard to put this baby's dad through school for the past 5 years. I loved my baby so much that I wrote my baby letters even before my baby was even created. I loved my baby so much that I knew God's timing was everything. I loved my baby so much that I made sure I was healthy.

I still love my baby so much. I believe that happiness is found in doing what is right. Sure tough times come and all that but its incredible to look back and see the path that has been being paved for you. I always had my little one on my mind.

So love at first sight? Nah I believe in love at first thought.

Dear baby E:

From the moment I thought about you till now I have always loved you. I am so grateful that I have been given the privileged of motherhood. I am so grateful you exist, and always have. I am so grateful that you get to come down to earth and get a body. Don't worry too much I will help you find your way. you are so special and there are so many things your heavenly father has in store for you. but you have already been so blessed because you have been given to parents who try their best and love God. You are being put in a family who sticks together, who works hard and are honest. You are incredible and we are excited to see what talents God will give you and what talents you will learn. We are excited to know the you, that you are. We will always be there for you we will always love you. So I will change your diapers feed you while you cant, will teach you to walk and talk and eventually go to the bathroom on your own. I will play games with you and explain to you about who you are. You will grow and learn so many things about this world. You will go to school someday you will not think Dad and I are too cool. But we still will love you. We will give you advice as you date teach you how you should behave. We will be there as you get your heart broken and as you find the right one to share your life with. We will be there when you get married in the Temple watch you raise children of your own. Then, you will understand what I feel right now, you will see someday the kind of love I have always felt for you, when you find out you are going to have a baby. When you meet that little one for the first time. Just remember I believe in love at first thought. I loved you the first time I thought about someday having a child and that was a long long time ago. You see darling, I will always always love you, I always have.


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