(my grandmothers mother)
So today was interesting. What made it all better you ask? The fact that we got free yogurt at work today! :) I guess I should also mention the free lunch in there, but that happens almost like everyday... Yea so spoiled! lol but we work hard to earn that.
Don't you ever wonder why you don't have enough? I do this past week has flown BY! My editor and I just talked and I AM LOVING the process! I was a little nervous, don't get me wrong I have the greatest editor but it again makes it so final! But I am excited and ready and happy.
Check offs:
Blurb DONE!
Website DONE!
Cover DONE!
Back DONE!
Ya! I am so excited. All the technical details are finally coming together. Photo shoot went well and the model for the cover basically is a hott one. What? Oh no I gave that away...?
Anyways I can not wait to share it with you all and hear some feedback! You must let me know! UHH I am totally so stoked people! I have such an amazing team behind me and I would be nothing without them.
I worked on my second book today. I am so excited! Seeing as I can no longer work on my book because the editor has it, I need to do something with this creative flow and what better but the work on my next book?

(My grandmothers father)
YES. I want to write many books. I have TONS of story Ideas. This one I am publishing is only one of many, and it's not my first story idea. I have others and I want to write them!
Let me just tell you this whole book publishing thing is a lot of work. I am so grateful for connecting with a cousin of mine. She has been such a help. You should check out some of her books they ROCK
Diane Darcy if you click on her name it brings you to my favorite book of hers! Its so cute!
SO writing, I know I am obsessing but that happens. I still have so many pics to post too...
I am in my happy place. Hopefully in august I can start the reveal process!! ITS so hard to keep things secret for me....
I keep killing my husband with the overload I am sure of
(Me in my grandmothers house)
but that is why he is like totally strong and superman... he can take it.
I really like the old black and white pictures of your family. :)