So I went to the craft fair with my sister today
and last night we went to a football game like VIP's and it was awesome but I will post about that later
I got home from the fair and ROb and I were suppose to go to thrift stores to find our Halloween costumes.
He was late.
But when he got home he brought lunch so I forgave him... lol
anyways we were talking last night about how I really really REALLY wanted/needed a new camera lens I have two and I really wanted this special one that will do so much more of what I want. Anyways I also want Lightroom the new one, I have photoshop but lightroom is good for organizing Etc. anyways
Robert said I needed a new program more than a lens! WHAT? I was like no no no!
anyways he told me to choose and that he would get what ever I needed for Christmas POSSIBLY. I told him I want that LENS!
so anyways He surprised me and bought me THAT LENS!!!?! what? REALLY? How much do I love this man? A bunch. I love the fact that he cared enough to understand that I really needed it for my work. I tried to get it for me and I am so grateful so a sweet caring husband
he also got me a tripod too!!!
but anyways here are the pics I took when I FIRST got it, (I will get better)

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