Robby found this CUTE little pumpkin patch right here in Davis and it was the best one we have been to these four years! We both agreed.
I am obsessed with Fall/Halloween and so we have made it a family tradition to do the whole pumpkin patch deal. Last year was sad because we we too busy to go :( but never again! I also am so obsessed with Halloween/Fall that I make Robby dress up! We always have and always WILL right Robert? RIGHT.
When we were dating I was an angel and Robert a Vampire (we did not know about Twilight yet BTW)
When we first got married the ward we were in did not have a party and we were sad... but Robby worked like every day all day so I went to my parents house and passed out Candy with my Best Friend Anj and watched scary movies... we both dressed as Vampires (twilight yes...) I actually got a boy pretty good that year. He thought I was a dummy and came up to get candy from the bowl on my lap and when I moved the bowl to his hand he screamed... probably because I smiled all creepy like too... HA BEST EVER.
Then the next year we lived in Roseville, and Robby quit his jobs (YES! It was about time) So we were able to go to the Trunk or Treat and Robert is/was still getting used to having to dress up, and my amazing Sis in Law got me a kimono from Japan and Robert too so we dressed up as Mulan and some Japanese guy (robert) ha.
Last year we were in Davis (LOVE IT HERE) and I was a queen cause the costume was easy and awesome and cheap. Robert was Clark Kent and I was that for work, like two years ago and he liked it and I always call him super man anyways. So we were that.
So my point in telling you all this?
Well... Robby is actually starting to understand he needs to dress up in a costume, so he is getting a little more creative... and this year he already had a plan... and it is awesome.. and I have my costume... and I am SO EXCITED.
Happy Fall/Halloween time.
Hope you are able to get some pumpkins too!
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