Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9-11-01 I remember



I can not belive it has been 11 years. I remember waking up to my mom on the phone and the T.V. really loud. A man was talking and I was watching as a tower burned somewhere and I had no idea where. Was it close? Was it in the United States? I listened and all my questions were answered. It was in NYC and it was the twin towers where thousands of people worked. Where thousands of Americans died. I remember watching as they Live saw the second plan crash into the second tower and it was as if the world stopped for that moment. I stood in horror. It was not an accident, it was an attack.

School was bacially canceled although we all went. Each class in my Middle school was spent watching T.V. all period in horror of what happened. Why we were attacked and where else they were targeting. I remember drawing outside on the black top watching planes flying, afraid wondering what was really going on. Being so close to California's Capitol we were on alert thinking we would be a target.

I remember watching for months afterwards the cleanup crews finding people in the rubble, and how many people they found, but were dead.gone.

September 11 2001 was probably the most scariest day of my life. I saw what horror is, what true hatred brings. I am so proud of the stars and stripes. So proud to be an American, so proud of all who gave their lives to protect me. To those people who died that day 11 years ago; you are heros.

 us Americans-- I, will never forget.

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