My baby Niece turned 1 yesterday. And I thought about that for a while; One year of life.

That is a big deal. One year living and so many more to come. Who will she become? What will she do?

What kinds of things will she like?

What things is she going to be good at, what talents will she have?

Will she be a painter? A ballerina? A singer? A doctor? What will she do?

That is the reason why we celebrate. We celebrate because one year of life is a big deal, we celebrate for the girl, women she will be someday. And that person she will become right now? Well those possibilities are endless, like the grains of sand on the sea she can be anything, do anything.
One year of life, Brooklyn Christine Krebs. I love who you are now and look forward to meeting the women you will be someday. I can now see what its like to watch someone grow, I remember waiting in the hospital till 3am waiting for this little girl to come you can see that post here
I remember taking her pictures here and holding her as a bran new baby right from heaven.
So, when Kristin asked me to take some pics for her 1st Birthday I was excited to yet again document a special moment for this little girl.
Happy Birthday Brooklyn I love you so much, thank you for being apart of our family.

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